Information Technology » Information Technology

Information Technology

Director Technology/ Information System Specialist
The Jersey City Public School District provides all students and staff the foundation on which to build a technologically enhanced, restructured, supportive, learning environment. Our vision is that the most appropriate technologies are infused in the most natural manner into highly effective instructional and administrative programs so that the public school community has equitable access to achieve a richer, more challenging, rewarding, educational experience from routine use of technologies. To this end, we strive to ensure that the transitions to technologically enriched programs are as seamless and transparent as possible.

The IT department of the Jersey City Public Schools district has the primary responsibility for the maintenance of the core business components, student information systems and central operation of the computer network that supports the entire school district.  This department works as a backbone to district Information systems and connects to all schools to establish a central database. We bring experience and professionalism to the district business operation and functionalities.

The motto of the IT department is to provide the schools with a reliable state-of-art network, computing resources, and information technology services.

The Information Technology Department provides following services:
HelpDesk Support Services is responsible for providing prompt, courteous and effective service to the user community of the District’s network resources and telephone services. The Help Desk function supports over thirty-nine school buildings that have computer equipment, copiers, scanners, and Smart Boards, Promethean Boards handheld devices and smart devices. HelpDesk also provides technical support for the Board of Education meetings or other high profile events.
The hours of the Help Desk are from 8 AM to 4 PM, Monday – Friday. They can be reached via email at [email protected]

Network Services is responsible for the management and support of the District’s computer network and network infrastructure as well as providing Tier 2 support for the District’s servers, PCs, printers, peripherals, SmartBoards and associated software.

Systems and Operations is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the : Student Information System, Clever, Safe School, Systems3000 Human Resources and Payroll, Aesop Absence Reporting, and Novatime. The group is also responsible for all data and reporting.

Project Management provides the on-going software support and maintenance for the Business Process software applications used throughout the District, including, but not limited to Action Form, Budget Transfer, Time Management, Online Registration etc.

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